Hygrophila auriculata
English: Hygrophila
Sanskrit/Indian: Kokilaksha
Russian: Гигрофила auriculata

General information:
The Sanskrit name for Hygrophila, Kokilaksha, literally means ‘an eye of the cuckoo’. This refers to the flowers of this plant resembling the color of a cuckoo’s eyes.
Hygrophila stimulates the male genital system and is beneficial in the treatment of sexual debility, premature ejaculation and erectile failure. It is also a potent remedy for kidney stones.
The herb is found all throughout India in marshes places and plains.
The seeds contain large amounts of tenacious mucilage and potassium salts, which are responsible for the diuretic property of the seeds. The ethanol extract of the plant is spasmolytic and hypotensive (Indian Medicinal Plants—An Illustrated Dictionary, C.P.Khare. 318. 2007).
- The leaves and roots of Hygrophila have diuretic properties.
- The herb is also useful in ailments of the urinogenital tract, like dysuria, urinary calculi and cystisis.
- The seeds are known to increase libido and are beneficial in treating spermatorrhoea.